
Ripperdoc | Augmented | Black Market Trader | Merc

| Bio |

Name: Jett Saber
Alias: Scarecrow
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Xaela
Age: 27 (?)
Sex: Female
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black/Green
Eyes: Light Yellow
Height: 5 fulm 6ilm
Weight: 125 ponze
Tribe: (Redacted)Birthplace: Azim Steppe
Birthday: (Redacted)
Languages: Common, Xaelic Tribal, HinganOccupation: Ripperdoc, Surgeon, Black Market Trader
Previous Occupation: Spy, agent
Sexual interests: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Laid back, critical, analytical, pragmaticStrengths: Well versed in tech regardless of garlean or allagan or in-between. An expert Ripper/Doctor. Great with espionage or information gathering.Weakness: (Redacted)Noticeable feats: Horn implants, cybernetic arms.Tattoos: Blue markings along body in intricate designs.Affinity: Levin
Class: Samurai
Weapons/Fight style: Sword, augmentations, and devices of plenty.
Likes: Tech, exploring, research or medical talk. A good trade over items, artifacts, or weaponryDislikes: (Redacted)Favorite Food: RamenFavorite drink: LemonadeFavorite color: Aqua, Jade, black

| RP Hooks |

Ripperdoc: (Common Knowledge)
Jett can implant or augment ones body for a fair price. The name Scarecrow lingers around and is known to be a top augmenter whether it be allagan, magitek, or other tech. She can work with material as well and is well versed in her methods. Should a character be looking for /upgrades/. She could take them to the next level.
Black Market Trader: (Common Knowledge)
Jett handles a variety of items she sells and trades. Often seen around major cities performing deals with rare items that include but are not limited to weapons, tomes, artifacts, or illegal substances. She has a wide selection for even the average customer. Maybe she has something you're looking for.
Outlaw: (Uncommon Knowledge)
Jett has bounty that has been racked up in Othard. Many have tried to claim but with little success. She is wanted on several charges but fears not who may come.
Augmented: (Uncommon Knowledge.)
Jett is heavily augmented by her own means. While on business or in the shadows. Its rare she discloses what her augmentations are but one might be able to tell if they're like her. This suits her combat needs mostly.
Agent Scarecrow: (Common Knowledge)
Jett is a valuable asset in the field. She has worked for a few organizations before and knows war very well. She is an expert in espionage and renowned for hacking tech on the field. A dangerous threat that infiltrates but is worthy of any mission or venture.

| OOC |

Congrats! If you've made it this far. First, I'd like you for taking the time to go through Jett's card. I tend to enjoy RPing mostly adventure, and limited to romances. However, that's not to say I don't enjoy any form of RP when it comes to Jett.There is more to the Xaela than meets the eye. Should you be curious to find out and indulge. I'm open to discord scenes as well as Walk-ups. I lean towards lasting RP arcs and connections. I'm always willing to work something in when it comes to RP.RP is something near and dear to my heart, and I take it seriously. One thing I do not tolerate is IC decisions being a problem in OOC. I keep them separate. A form of respect between writers is almost a must in my mind.I don't tend to release my discord, but if a scene is in the future for our characters I will. For the most part, a simple tell and communication could be that start.I am open to our characters having a previous connection, but that requires communication beforehand. I'm very approachable, So don't feel shy.Once again, thank you for making it this far! I look forward to RPing with you or getting to know your character! ^^